Secure Encrypted Payments

The most secure blockchain powered solution for complete privacy and encryption of transactions. Download the app to prevent fraud and unauthorised personal data usage.


Your Privacy. Your Control.

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam


Your Card


Our Privacy Card


Your Wallet

Why You Need Cemperium


Ecommerce fraud occurs with online customer transactions.
Unauthorized access to personal and financial information

Malicious actors deceive businesses and customers to gain unauthorized access to personal and financial information, conduct fraudulent transactions. According to Juniper research, frauds in Ecommerce alone expect to surpass staggering 48 Billion USD in 2023. North America has the highest fraudulent transaction value globally, accounting for over 42% of ecommerce fraud while Latin America experiences 20% revenue loss to fraud, with 3.7% of all ecommerce orders being fraudulent.

Varieties of Fraud at risk for Consumers and Merchants


Shielding against fraudulent transactions is vital, and Cemperium is your ally
Transactions are fortified, ensuring your financial safety

With our state-of-the-art Secure Encrypted Payments technology, your transactions are fortified, ensuring your financial safety. Utilise Cemperium for a seamless and safe payment user experience. Our cutting-edge tools will be powered by AI and machine learning, swiftly identifying and preventing fraud without disrupting your transactions. Your peace of mind is our priority. Unlike generic solutions, Cemperium is tailored to you.

Minimizing disruptions while keeping your data secure
Swiftly and confidently assess consumer risks

How It Works

Cemperium is a payment encryption service leveraging their own blockchain to enhance user privacy, thereby ensuring encrypted transactions. Cemperium, is much more advanced than the average encrypted payment service, utilising several automated feutures to ensure fraud and ID theft detection, non-traceability and unauthorised personal data usage.


In this process, payments via cards or wallet, coins are mixed with others before being sent to their destination addresses, effectively protecting the identities of the transaction’s sender and receiver.


To further enhance security, a new address is generated for each transaction, making it challenging to trace and identify the parties involved.


In simplified terms, Cemperium manage the payment mixing process by receiving assets and redistributing them to different addresses, protecting user identities against fraud.


Secure Encrypted Payments

The very foundation of Cemperium, which through a unique mixing service function never revels personal data to anyone


We are a software not a bank. Your Wallet, Your money.

3rd Party verification

Users hesitate to share personal data for online transactions. We solve this problem

Data Anonymization

Users own their own data and can earn on it

Privacy Debit Cards

Reloadable prepaid privacy debit cards to use in all stores

Automatic VPN

Enhanced convenience and privacy for users. Payments without traceability.

Features that Matter

A set of our advantages will not leave you indifferent. Sign up for free now!

Cemperium roadmap

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mattis turpis in suspendisse sed nisi risus. Nunc nulla adipiscing id augue libero. Suspendisse pellentesque nam mi tellus.

Q4 2023

Swedish public company Elektra holding (559243-9144) bought and started project Cemperium

Q1 2024

Sebtech PLC London open
Beta wallet online.
Cemperium website under development.
Product Beta.

Q2 2024

Token launch. Coinmarketcap.
Wallet update.
Social media updates.

Q3 2024

Beta app.
Wallet update.
Exchange listing.


Meet our team

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Håkan Ozan
Håkan Ozan Director, Innovation Expert
Anders Jakobsson
Anders Jakobsson Director, Tech Lead
Jennifer Dennerby
Jennifer Dennerby Sales Manager
Andreas Burman
Andreas Burman Team Manager
Sean Webb
Sean Webb Advisory, Finacial Management
Mark Allardyce
Mark Allardyce Director, Blockchain Expert

Get all the benefits of Cemperium today

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